Recipe of Chianti Kitchen, the Tuscan
School of Cooking

1½ kg (3 lb) unripe mangoes, chopped
4 tablespoons garlic and herb salt
3 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoons cumin powder
1 tablespoon ground coriander
3 tablespoons curry powder
1½ cups raw honey or fructose
2 cups balsamic vinegar
½ cup corn or potato flour
2 tablespoons mustard seeds
A handful of curry leaves
1½ cups olive oil or cold pressed
sunflower oil

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Atchar is a spicy condiment, often
eaten with a curry. It comes from the
Indian cuisine in South Africa. In India,
it’s spelled Achar, and the word means
pickle in Hindi. Usually the atchar made
in South Africa is made with unripe
green mangoes and chilies. The whole
mango is used for making atchar.
This traditional mango Atchar is easily
made at home. Adjust the amount of
chili to your liking and serve with a
vegetable curry or a sirloin steak.

Simmer all the ingredients except the
mangoes and the oil, until all thickens.
Pour over the mangoes, add oil, mix
well. Cool and refrigerate for at least 12
hours before using.

Chianti Kitchen, The Tuscan School of Cooking of Chef Seamus de Pentheny O'Kelly - Tuscany, Italy -